Our Cases

Case Studies

Let’s See Sample of our Past Projects

See real examples of how we’ve helped our clients
achieve their marketing goals

Brand Attack Solving

Steepx’s strategy was successful in addressing the negative online campaign. The number of negative reviews and posts about X Resort declined significantly.
In addition, the resort saw an increase in bookings and inquiries…

Revenue Increasing

SteepX Marketing Agency was able to successfully increase revenue for X Group in the GCC, Africa, and Europe regions by developing and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy
strategy was tailored to the specific…

Medical Marketing YOE

SteepX successfully developed a concise and universally understood abbreviation for years of experience in medical marketing, specifically tailored to X Clinic’s needs.

Drives Ecommerce Sales

The ecommerce marketing strategy developed by SteepX was highly successful. X ecommerce sales increased by 25% in the first year of the campaign.
The company also saw a significant increase in website traffic and social media engagement.

Attract New Customers

The rebranding and marketing efforts undertaken by SteepX were a success. X customer traffic increased by 20% in the first six months of the campaign.
The restaurant also saw a significant increase in brand awareness and positive reviews.

New Product Launch

We provided X with valuable insights that informed the development and marketing strategies for their new skincare line.
The research findings revealed key consumer preferences, identified potential market opportunities, and highlighted areas for product differentiation.

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